Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Barack on War

"I want to listen to our commanders on the ground," says Barack Obama on withdrawing from Iraq.  According to Obama's speech, which he is currently giving in my hometown of Fayetteville, North Carolina (home of Ft. Bragg and Pope Air Force Base), he has a plan for withdrawing our troops safely and effectively.

If Mr. Obama was truly committed to listening to the military leaders in our country, he would not be advocating for a hasty exit from Iraq.  Just this month the Chairman of the Join Chiefs of Staff made a statement in which he all but blasted Senators Obama and his partner in demagoguery, Hillary Clinton, for wanting to leave Iraq.  According to Admiral Mike Mullen, withdrawing our military forces from Iraq now would undo all of the good and destroy all of the security gains that we have made to this point.

So if Mr. Obama were truly committed to "listening to our commanders on the ground," if he were truly committed to stability in Iraq and stability in the Middle East, the he will heed Adm. Mullen's advice... and change his position.