Friday, January 25, 2008

I see a trend

A few weeks ago I got a phone call from my mom.  

"I've decided," she said somewhat begrudgingly, "that you are right."

She was talking about my choice of presidential candidate: Mitt Romney.  I have been a Mitt Romney supporter since he appeared on the front of the Weekly Standard in June 2005.  Yes, I longed for him to be our commander-in-chief before he changed (no, lets go with tweaked) his views on abortion and long before he was anything close to a household name.

My mom's reasoning, she explained, was that there just wasn't anyone else with better conservative principles and a realistic shot at getting the nomination than my boy Mitt.  She had reached this conclusion while working out with her personal trainer at the gym.

So there we have two wayward Republican party faithful who had momentarily lost their way until they caught the light of Mitt Romney.  Yesterday I got a call from another Romney-convert.

My grandpa called me yesterday.  "I've had to switch," he declared.  His original candidate, Fred Thompson, had just dropped out several days prior leaving him without a candidate to latch on to.  You see, by originally supporting Thompson, he overlooked what my mom took into consideration- the issue of electability.  There just isn't any way that someone who is more wrinkly than John McCain would get the nod from the throws of the rank-and-file GOP.  So, recognizing the fact that Mitt Romney was his only choice left if he wanted to nominate a conservative in September.  

There we have it.  In just a matter of weeks I know of three people that have hopped on the Romney train.  Am I shocked?  Not really.  It is just a matter of time before the rest of the Republican party realizes that Mitt is the only conservative still in the race.  It may happen sooner than you think, given the neck-and-neck poll numbers coming out of Florida.

1 comment:

Katie Baker said...

I might have been a Mitt Romney fan before you, kid.