Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Dear Florida

Today your residents go to the polls.  Well, actually, some of your residents have already been.  About half a million Floridian have already cast their ballot in early and absentee voting.  Either way, the decision you make today will certainly determine the course of the remainder of the 2008 primary.

The effects of your vote today will not only affect the GOP, either.  Despite Florida Democrats having had their delegates stripped away from them this year- as a penalty for moving their primary up- party faithful are still casting their ballots (also in record early voting numbers).  Accordingly, the Sunshine state will provide a glimpse at the candidates' ability without the rallies, commercials, push polls and bad talking.

Will Rudy Giuliani finally finish in the top three of a primary contest?  Can John McCain win a contest where only Republicans are able to vote?  Is Mitt Romney able to win in a state where he doesn't have any major underlying advantage (like virtually no opposition in Wyoming or Nevada and home-field advantage in Michigan)?

Today's contest will, indeed, be telling.  Check back later tonight for exactly what it told us.

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